Monday, December 10, 2018

Running: 36 Miles - 8000' // Mountain Biking: 7 Miles - 942'

       It has been awhile since I have used this space to jot things down. After a rough couple of months of a bulged disc from too many heavy kettle bell swings and a fractured rib cage from mountain biking, things seem to be on the up and up again. I have been running consistently with bits of mountain biking and hopefully some skiing thrown in soon.
       I have not been smoking weed and have not wanted to. Still lots of edibles though! Diet seems to be okay with periods of chocolate muffins at work. Typical with quitting smoking for me, I have had a lot of phlegm and head aches for the first couple of weeks. As of now, more than a month later, I am feeling much better. Coffee has been affecting my stomach in the mornings and have felt much better switching back to tea. Tea also has a much more calm energy.
       After taking am easier week over Thanksgiving I have felt better and noticed improvements on my daily runs. I am able to run longer steeper hills while keeping everything relaxed and I feel that I can handle more than before. Ill keep my mileage around where it currently is until Christmas a reel it back in over the holidays. Most likely do more hiking and less hills to give the ankles a break. The inside of my left knee is present, but not bad. It is the only thing I really need to keep an eye on right now.